The Daly


THE DALY 20240418

High school sports and Tiger baseball today on THE DALY.


THE DALY 20240417

High school results, Red Wings, and Tigers today on THE DALY.


THE DALY 20240416

High school baseball, softball, soccer, tennis, and track all covered today. Also talk Red Wings and Tigers on THE DALY.


THE DALY 20240415

A lot of high school sports from the weekend. Full coverage here and Tigers too today on THE DALY.


THE DALY 20240412

High school baseball, softball, and soccer. Tom Knutson from Knutson’s Sporting Goods with the Outdoor Report and Jacob Tuttle of Tuttle Concrete with That’s Solid today on THE DALY.


THE DALY 20240410

High school spring sports season is in full swing with baseball, softball, soccer, track, all covered today. Also talk Wings and Tigers today on THE DALY.


THE DALY 20240408

Our first high school spring sports update of the season, I also talk Wings, Tigers, and NCAA hoops today on THE DALY.


THE DALY 20240403

Marc and Drew vs. The Magic 8 Ball, HS sports, Tigers, Wings and more today on THE DALY.


THE DALY 20240403

Marc and Drew vs. The Magic 8 Ball, HS sports, Tigers, Wings and more today on THE DALY.


THE DALY 20240402

Wings, Tigers, Jets, Hoops and more today on THE DALY.