THE DALY 20240607
High school wrap, the Knutson’s Outdoor Report, Tigers, Lions, and more today on THE DALY.
High school wrap, the Knutson’s Outdoor Report, Tigers, Lions, and more today on THE DALY.
Today I talk Gus Macker the Kyle Liechty (15:45). High school baseball Regionals, girls soccer Regionals, Tigers and more today on THE DALY.
High school baseball, softball, tennis, track finals, the Tigers and more today on THE DALY.
High school baseball, softball, and soccer today. I also talk Tigers with Jacob Tuttle from Tuttle Concrete.
High school baseball, softball, soccer and track along with a little Tiger Talk today on THE DALY.
Chuck Sprang and the Al Glick Classic, Tom Knutson with the Knutson’s Outdoor Report, and a full high school slate today on THE DALY.
Grass Lake softball coach Roger Cook joins the show and talks about the teams success this year (15:24). We have a full high school report, Goff’s new greenery, and the Tigers today on THE DALY.
I talk with Western Girls Tennis Coach Brad Wilcox about the team and the season (14:53). We have a full high school report from the weekend, Jackson College baseball and softball, along with a touch of Tigers